
Meet our Emerging Women Leaders

By 存 Staff | October 12, 2022

We hear from this year’s cohorts

Emerging Women Leaders is a seven-month program for Senior Associate women at 存. The program focuses on developing key leadership competencies such as self-awareness, 执行业务, strategic network creation, strengthening business acumen, decision-making as well as conflict management and career management skills.

全年, participants have been challenged to grow through a dynamic combination of on-the-job learning experiences, 曝光, and education throughout the program.

In response to business demand, the 2022 program increased its cohort size to 43 participants from an average of 25 participants in the previous years. We hear from just of them about what they experienced from the program.

9月,哈默尔, 存 Principal Software Engineer

The best part of Emerging Women Leaders (EWL) has been the networking opportunities. I’ve had the chance to connect with women from all over the organization, learning from them and getting advice. It has been so helpful to talk about some of our shared experiences. Many of the women have skillsets I want to develop, so I have really benefited from their feedback and perspective.

萨曼莎扫罗, 存 Release Execution Support

My favorite experience in the EWL program has been the network I have formed. Between my Accountability buddies, my Peer 学习 buddies and the employee that I am working with on the knowledge transfer for my Stretch Assignment, those bonds will be with me for a while. I would also be remiss is I don’t mention Gabriela, as her coordination and management of the program is remarkable.

Tosin Agboola, 存 Business Validation

I have been pleasantly surprised at how introspective the EWL experience has so far been for me. I find that I am thinking more deliberately about my career and what I want my personal brand to be. I have not only enjoyed the workshops and Harvard online courses, but I have learnt so much from the shared experiences we get to have within the smaller Peer 学习 Roundtable sessions. Knowing that others like me share the same fears, drive and aspirations has truly been encouraging.

埃维莉娜Juknaite, 存审计经理

The best part of EWL has been being exposed to valuable information that highlighted my own learned habits that were holding me back. I’ve had the chance to reflect on my past behaviors, share my experiences with other women, and practice new better ways to advocate for myself. I had an opportunity to attend Women’s Conference of Florida and other networking events where I connected with some amazing women leaders, and was reminded of the power of personal leadership.

Madiha Arsalan, 存 Public Relations & 公共事务

My favorite part of the EWL program has been the network I’ve built, the support I’ve received and the workshops within the program. From presentation skills to building gravitas to advocating for myself, the program has provided tremendous value in my career journey. In fact, I received my promotion to Associate Director while participating in the program!

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