
Retooling 监管 Reporting Workflows When 合规 is a Moving Target

Special from Global Investor | 6 minute read | March 11, 2021

在过去十年里, financial firms have experienced waves of new and revised regulations around transaction reporting. 未来几年,随着几乎所有衍生品交易报告的管辖规则都将被重写,以采用行业推荐的标准,更多的变化将接踵而至.

In short, compliance with reporting regulations has become a moving target. 向监管机构准确、高效地报告数据是一项常见的挑战,而新规则和修订后的规则的要求又存在不确定性,这让挑战变得更加复杂.

With their regulatory reporting teams facing a staggering workload in 2021 and beyond, firms need to consider how they will adapt their reporting protocols and infrastructure to this environment. 为应对2008年金融危机而建立的贸易报告系统——无论是内部的还是外包给专业第三方供应商的——都值得认真审视,因为, 对很多公司来说, they may no longer be adequate to handle today’s growing regulatory challenges at a cost that is sustainable.

采用新模式的时机已经成熟:单一供应商解决方案具有全面的管辖权和监管范围. 这些解决方案通过促进各种报告前和报告后活动,支持贸易存储库(TR)和批准报告机制(ARM)的提交和对账,并与全球规则变化保持同步.

存, the world’s leading provider of 帖子-trade processing services, is advancing this new model with its 存报告中心® service. Launched in early 2020 and expanded in December 2020 with 存’s acquisition of the 合规 Management Reporting System platform (CMRS) from Publicis Sapient, 存报告中心 enables firms to manage their global derivatives, 金融工具市场指令II (MiFID II)和证券融资交易条例(SFTR)交易前和交易后报告要求与单一供应商解决方案.


2008年金融危机产生的监管规定包括衍生品交易的报告要求. Jurisdictions rolled out their respective rules at different times and without close coordination. The result: many differences in reporting formats, 贸易数据元素和其他参数——这些因素正引发新一轮规则修订,旨在提高各司法管辖区之间的标准化程度.

危机后的全球监管激增,以及在不同报告制度之间协调规则的持续失败,迫使企业必须不断修改其技术平台. After a decade of patches to accommodate one new rule or update after another, the trade processing and reporting infrastructure in most firms today is duplicative and inefficient.

For firms that have developed their own pre- and 帖子-reporting capabilities, 即将到来的衍生品规则重写——包括采用通用数据元素(CDE)和唯一vnsr威尼斯城官网登入标识符(UPI)进行报告——将刺激其基础设施进行更多更新,并进一步增加其已经紧张的容量和功能的负担.

不断发展的监管规定也将需要不断改进公司的数据管理和信息传递流程. 例如, if, 正如预期的, regulators adopt the ISO 20022 message scheme for derivatives CDE, 贸易数据将需要规范化以满足这一新标准——这是许多公司可能需要帮助才能完成的繁琐工作.

内部员工的压力, 不断变化的法规导致的流程和平台导致一些公司转向一个或多个第三方解决方案提供商,以提供独立的报告前和报告后功能. 但结果可能是解决方案的拼凑,这些解决方案彼此之间没有集成,需要多个连接.

此外, use of solutions from different providers can deprive firms of the comprehensive, 他们需要管理所有报告制度的报告前和报告后活动的跨司法管辖区监管范围, 每一个都有不同的规则. Without a unified solution firms could face increased compliance risk and cost.

Streamlining Pre- and Post-Reporting Workflows with a Unified Solution

Given the trade reporting challenges ahead – including the continuing, regime-specific changes to derivatives mandates, SFTR报告的复杂性以及管理跨多个资产类别和司法管辖区的交易报告的绝对困难——这是一个统一的问题, single-vendor suite of services like 存报告中心 can help firms mitigate risk, enhance operational efficiencies and reduce costs associated with regulatory reporting compliance.

For firms that have solutions developed in-house, a move to 存报告中心 frees up staggering amounts of staff time and internal resources. And 存报告中心’s single-vendor model provides the consistent, streamlined functionality that is generally missing when firms utilize multiple vendors.

存 has extensive experience providing TR services, 在2012年将第一批TRs推向市场,随后在全球主要市场推出许可/注册TRs,作为存全球贸易储存库服务(GTR)的一部分。. As it navigated the evolving trade reporting landscape over the past decade, 存逐渐认识到,今天的公司可以从全面的报告前和报告后功能套件以及简化跨司法管辖区和资产类别报告交易的工具中受益匪浅.

Retooling 监管 Reporting Workflows When 合规 is a Moving Target

This deep understanding of the trade reporting ecosystem helped inform the development of 存报告中心. 存报告中心 facilitates pre- and 帖子-reporting activities for SFTR and now, 通过收购CMRS, for derivatives and Markets in Financial Instruments II (MiFID II) as well.

通过收购CMRS, 存报告中心平台的扩展将改变交易前和交易后报告服务的游戏规则. 通过提供统一的, single-vendor pre and 帖子 reporting platform, firms can consolidate reporting activities for multiple jurisdictions – US, UK, 欧洲, 加拿大, 以色列, 新加坡, Australia and Hong Kong – and be prepared for forthcoming rule additions and changes. This breadth of coverage can help firms maximize their operational efficiencies and compliance-risk mitigation, reduce costs and free-up staff to focus on other priorities.

Retooling 监管 Reporting Workflows When 合规 is a Moving Target


With its extensive suite of pre-reporting services, 存报告中心简化了准备提交给tr或arm的贸易数据所需的复杂工作流程. 从数据规范化和转换(包括适应ISO 20022消息传递方案)开始,该套件提供了数据丰富功能, 管辖权资格分析, a customizable rules engine and advanced exception management and reprocessing.

存报告中心的委托报告功能允许用户在接收TR上建立适用权限后代表客户提交交易. Where a 存报告中心 user has delegated its reporting obligation for certain trades to another firm, 存报告中心将识别并自动抑制存报告中心用户对此类交易的报告.

Retooling 监管 Reporting Workflows When 合规 is a Moving Target 


In addition to interfacing with TRs and ARMs to facilitate trade submissions, 存报告中心 also delivers the 帖子-reporting functionality. 它的对账工具针对客户内部系统对TR日终报告进行报告完整性和准确性检查. 存报告中心 can also provide extensive data analytics to help firms better manage reporting completeness, 准确性和及时性.

Even with a solution like 存报告中心, firms would still need to keep pace with global regulatory output by having up-to-date reporting processes, 控制, 系统和治理. 如果企业想以成本效益高的方式管理监管报告风险,它们可能需要对基础设施进行彻底改革,以应对新的和修订后的授权. 存可以帮助公司分析其基础设施性能和数据质量,并帮助他们评估是否需要某些增强或重新设计.

公司可以利用存咨询服务,更好地了解交易报告和控制框架与全球监管标准化趋势保持一致的机会. 存 Consulting teams can help firms undertake strategic evaluations as well as assist with tactical projects, 比如简化数据集, upgrading data element sourcing related to collateral and unique identifiers, designing new or upgrading existing performance and data-quality monitoring systems.

Today’s formidable global trade reporting challenges demand comprehensive solutions. 通过与存合作, firms will have access to a wide array of tools and services that can help meet these challenges.



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